Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Catholicism is the only true church, Vatican declares

As much as I disagree with the opinion that Catholicism is the only one true church, I can see why it is that the Pope had to make this declaration.

The Catholic Church was built on Matthew 16:18, in which Jesus states: "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock (Gk petra) I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."

Peter is considered by the Catholic Church to be the first Pope, and every Pope since then in chosen in what is known as "Apostolic Succession". In other words, the current Pope is considered the latest "apostle" in a long line. Therefore, unless another church can prove "Apostolic Succession", then in it not really a church. That rule covers all of Christiandom, what about Jews, Muslims, Pagans, etc.?

The Nicene Creed establishes that there is "one true God", and that Jesus was His "only begotten Son". The Church cannot really compromise on this point without going against the Nicene Creed, and I can't see the Catholic Church ever doing that.

So, where does that leave the rest of us non-Catholics? Well, as I see it, if you are Catholic, you can go ahead and believe what your church tells you. Fortunately, however, I happen to live in one of the countries of the world that will allow me, for the most part, to choose my religion, and my religion happens to believe this:

There are many gods, and they are all valid and true.
There are many churches, and they, too, are all valid and true.
And I believe this as strongly as any Catholic believes otherwise, and perhaps more than most.

Therefore, it doesn't really matter to me what Catholics believe, as long as I continue to not live in a theocracy.

Lets keep America free of theocracy, shall we?


Chris said...

Pope Ben has been playing with mythology this week: first, he reauthroized the Latin Mass and now he has declared all other Christian churches, unauthentic. This is a "circling the wagons" psychology and I can't see this working at all. Both of these actions are dangerously schismatic. We should remember he was once head of the Holy Office (the old Inquisition) whose main goal was purification of souls.

When I first heard about the authorization of the Tridentine Mass I thought, "OK, we've started up the Way Back Machine and set it for 1960". When I heard the 2nd statement, I realized the Way Back Machine has really been set for 425.

Artemis Spawn said...

Good point. The Catholic Church has to do something, though, as it is becoming dangerously under-staffed and under-attended... at least in the US and Europe. In places like Africa and So. America, though, it is growing. In the US, we find this kind of "my way or the highway" stance highly offensive. But, the question is, how with it play in Africa?

The bottom line with all churches is, in fact, the bottom line, and Pope Ben is going to do whatever it is that he needs to do to keep those collection plates full and himself in silk duds and new Volvos.

If this works out for them in overall financial success, the next Pope will keep the trend. If not, the next Pope will be able to say "oh, never mind" and try something else with a minimum of embarrassment. Keep in mind, Pope Ben is quite elderly.

Chris said...

Africa, though, isn't wealthy. So much Western aid to Africa just lines the pockets of corrupt leaders. In Zimbabwe, for example, inflation is at 5000%/year and people are eating elephants for food.

Swede said...

Someone on LiveJournal called Benedict 'Pope Palpatine.' Somehow fitting.
This is a time of upheaval in the Roman Catholic and Anglican [US: Episcopal] Christian churches.
As an Episcopalian, I've been waiting for a paradigm shift for a decade or so. It looks currently like this will only happen through schism.
Of course, whatever the Episcopals/Anglicans do will be'unauthentic,' eh?
Side note: on reflection I'm possibly more Unitarian in personal religious philosophy than canon Episcopal.
